OVER recent months, we've gone the extra mile to ensure you are fully informed of all the local developments relating to the Covid-19 crisis - while keeping your finger on the pulse of the local community.
As newspapers based in the heart of vibrant communities, we recognise our special role in providing a measured, vital news service to our readers. That's why we've brought you the unvarnished facts about the impact of Covid-19 on our society — and our coverage of the virus ripping through our care homes has been unmatched by any other media outlet — as well as highlighting the huge community effort to help the needy in this challenging time. 
We also have an obligation to bolster small businesses — the advertising backbone of our papers — who face uncertain times.
Already many of those small businesses have either significantly reduced their operations or, in the case of many entertainment venues, closed their doors for at least two weeks.
That in turn will mean a drop in the display advertising revenues we depend on to keep the (virtual) presses rolling, pay staff and meet our overheads. As you may know, unlike in Scotland, there has been no local initiative to help newspapers through this crisis.


One way in which you can support our teams is by taking out a subscription to our ePapers. The Belfast Media Group offers the Andersonstown News, North Belfast News and South Belfast News together for less than £1 per week.
And, remember, family notices and classified ads can be placed directly online at belfastmediagroup.com for those who are don't wish to travel to our office at Hannahstown where we have a postal box where you can deposit memoriam and other notices. 
Our community and our city has come through tough times before.

As we move to the next stage of the battle against the coronavirus, we are confident that together with you we will successfully negotiate the tough time that lies ahead.

Máirtín Ó Muilleoir
Managing Director Belfast Media Group