I’m still fired up by what I learned only yesterday from doctor of radiology Dr Mitch Abram of NextGen Health in the US, who I met and paired up with on the course that we are studying virtually at California's Stanford University.

While head of radiology at a prominent hospital, he discovered that he had a problem with his heart and had to undergo an operation — which was a success. However, that experience inspired him to to explore wellness.

He travelled around the world looking at different forms of wellness. He learnt that in the west, through the biomedical model, we view people in parts. For example, body and mind. In the east, they look at the entire person as a whole.

In the eastern tradition, they also see the interconnectedness of everything as energy. That struck a chord with Mitch. Quantum physics is at the heart of radiology. "Einstein tells us that everything is energy —that’s how the MRI scan can explore and investigate us," he said. "The power house of this energy is the heart and the heart itself has a brain. Our heart’s brain resonates with everything."

For Mitch, this also demonstrates how we are all one and that there is no such thing as the other — which of course divides us into us and them.

The heart is also the seat of compassion and we all know what it’s like when we are in the the company of a compassionate heart: Kindness and empathy emerge and we are immersed in goodness which is our true nature.

As Einstein tells us, energy never dies; energy is transformative.

My chat with Mitch allowed my jigsaw puzzle road map to fall into place as I recalled a mindfulness teacher of mine, Dr Jon Kabat Zinn, explain that in Asia the words for heart and mind are the same.
I came away from the Stanford tutorial inspired by Mitch, who has accepted my invitation to visit our city and I feel blessed with the knowledge that we are all one. So let’s celebrate our oneness as we move forward into a transformed, community, city, country and world.