A NEW mural has been unveiled on the Falls Road to mark World Mental Health Day.

The project was co-designed between the artist Dean Kane, aka Visual Waste, and members of Suicide Awareness and Support Group.

The mural features a colourful display of the word 'Hope' with clasped arms and a butterfly. Conceived by the group’s members, the image reflects the central message of the organisation 'Reaching out is a strength, not a weakness.'

Margaret Walker, CEO of Suicide Awareness Support Group, said: “The mural tells a story of the importance of reaching out as a strength.

"There is a solution to every problem and a problem shared is a problem halved," he said. "It comments on how we, as a community, stand together in solidarity to instil hope and keep our communities safer from suicide.

"Hope is contagious – let's work together to promote self-care, self-love and pass it on.

“It has been a privilege to work in partnership with Community Arts Partnership, the families, the young people. It has instilled hope and that there is always someone somewhere ready to take you by the hand and get you the help that you need.

“We hope it does indeed offer hope and raise awareness about suicide within our communities.”

Suicide Awareness and Support Group received support for the project from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s National Lottery fund.

Should you require support for your mental health, you're encouraged to contact Lifeline at 0808 808 8000 or Suicide Awareness Support Group at 02890 239967.