IT went to script at Enright Park on a scorching Saturday afternoon as Gort na Móna advanced into the semi-final of the Antrim Junior Hurling Championship at the expense of Ardoyne.
THERE is growing concern and confusion amongst pensioners ahead of the upcoming winter after the North's Executive confirmed that it would follow the UK government's decision to means test Winter Fuel Payment.
A NEW exhibition at St Comgall's by the Pat Finucane Centre, seeks to tell the story of the men, women and children killed by the British Army and the RUC.
TRANSLINK bus services will start operating from the new Belfast Grand Central Station this Sunday 8th September, as part of the phased operational opening of the new state-of-the-art integrated transport hub for trains, coaches and buses.
NEWS last month that the PSNI Chief Constable was in conflict with the Justice Minister about who should write what letters to whom was revealing on many levels.
TYTO was a truly unique dog – on a global scale. She had special powers, so special that today dogs in France, Spain and Australia are following the path that she forged.
WHEN I hear complaints about the Arts Council, I remind the speaker that no matter what the conditions and opportunities are here for artists, we can actually make art. That's not the case everywhere.
WHEN vegetables are cooked in certain conditions this can have an impact on nutritional quality of the final product. This is true of the B and C group vitamins which can be reduced or destroyed.
DESPITE their best efforts, 13-man St Gall's lost out on Friday as Carey took advantage to get their Intermediate Hurling Championship semi-final ambitions back on the rails.
CHIEF Constable Jon Boutcher wants Catholics to head on over to Shaftesbury Square next July 12th and enjoy watching a parade they're not allowed to take part in.