
Squinter has been a regular feature of the Andersonstown News since the early 1970s. The diary column has been written by a number of people over the years and the present incumbent has been taking a sideways look at the week just gone – or indeed the one to come – for over 20 years now. The column has a wide remit, wandering from humorous items of local interest to local and national politics. See Squinter on Twitter for daily doses of the funny, the strange and the totally bonkers.

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SQUINTER: Loyalist Human Resources departments thrive

SQUINTER: Loyalist Human Resources departments thrive

SQUINTER: Billboards need to sleep with the fishes

SQUINTER: Billboards need to sleep with the fishes

SQUINTER: Battle lines are drawn in the war of the football pitch paint

SQUINTER: Battle lines are drawn in the war of the football pitch paint

SQUINTER: Tiocfaidh ár lá, amigo

SQUINTER: Tiocfaidh ár lá, amigo

SQUINTER: Starmer takes the familiar Boris route

SQUINTER: Starmer takes the familiar Boris route

SQUINTER: They might be headchoppers, but they’re our headchoppers

SQUINTER: They might be headchoppers, but they’re our headchoppers

SQUINTER: The Christmas chip: What’s the season of goodwill without it?

SQUINTER: The Christmas chip: What’s the season of goodwill without it?

SQUINTER: Me, myself and Is

SQUINTER: Me, myself and Is

SQUINTER: Moore’s the pity

SQUINTER: Moore’s the pity