EACH March the Colin area celebrate Creativity Month and to mark this year’s celebrations the Colin Neighbourhood Partnership hosted a programme of events which included a 'Give it a Go Day' in Colin Town Square, historical tours of the Colin area, a day out at Armagh Planetarium and a Family Fun Day in Brook Leisure Centre.
Arts and Cultural Development Officer at Colin Neighbourhood Partnership, John Paul Russell, said that it was good to see everyone out enjoying their events after such a long time due to the Covid-19 restriction.

"Colin Neighbourhood Partnership, in association with the Urban Village Initiative, Libraries NI, Brook Leisure Centre and Ionad na Fuiseoige was delighted to host our eighth Creativity Month in Colin programme," he said. 

"Throughout the month of March we organised a wide variety of activities that all the community could enjoy.
“A hugely popular event in the programme was our Give it a Go Day on Friday 18 March. This was the first time we hosted this event in Colin Town Square and we received such great feedback. Family activities included Laser Tag, Quad Train, Climbing Wall, Archery and Mini Golf.
“It was fantastic to see the community come together again after such a long time due to Covid restrictions. The event and activities were also all free as people are under so much pressure at the minute with increasing living costs.”