First Job: Cleaner at my dad's work
What it taught me: Treat everyone the same, no matter where they've come from and don't look down on someone unless you're helping then up.
Family/status: Just married my partner Tom in Oct 2020! #covidbride
Best advice anyone ever gave you: Always be accountable to your own actions, even if you make a mistake.
Best advice you could give someone thinking of a teaching career: As their faces differ, so do their needs. Remember that you are going in to this, not to teach a curriculum or a subject, but to teach children as little individual personalities! Even on your very worst day, there is something to be proud of!
I'm 30 years old and I am currently in my 7th year of teaching, having started my career just outside London back in 2013. I have been acting principal for over 2 years at Wheatfield primary and nursery school and can't imagine doing anything else.
I'm a dog-mum to a big golden retriever named Sam and I love nothing more than clearing my head with well spent puppy cuddles. I'm an introverted - extrovert (if that makes sense) and a people person, or so I'm told. I haven't quite found the balance to work and play but at this point I thrive on the busyness coming from my job so it works for me. Dedicated, enthusiastic and passionate about my people. I've found my tribe and we're building an empire! Watch this space.