Subject or Primary School Year: Head of Geography
Place of Birth: Belfast
Where you studied: Queen's University Belfast for my Geography Degree and University of Ulster Coleraine for my PGCE in Geography
What was your first job? My first part-time job was in a shoe shop called Trueform.
What did your first job teach you? The customer is always right!
Family/Status: I have been married to David for 25 years and we have to two wonderful teenage children.
Best advice you would give to someone thinking of a teaching career: Share your passion with your students, be flexible with your planning and delivery and expect the unexpected!
Deborah began her teaching career at St Louises, Belfast in 1996 and was appointed as a teacher of Geography at Malone in September 1999 followed by Head of Department in 2003. She is responsible for the school's student leadership team, this allows her to help students with planning whole school events and seeking improvements in daily school life. This could range from changing the menu in the canteen to helping run a whole school cultural celebration event. She is also a Teacher Counsellor and Deputy Designated Teacher. This role gives Deborah the opportunity to support individual student needs through the school's new 'Time to Talk' listening programme, this work is really important in supporting young people with the challenges they face inside and outside of school. Deborah teachers Geography at KS3, GCSE and A-Level and really enjoys carrying out fieldwork investigations with students, as learning outside the classroom connects students with the environment and creates memories that they recall for many years.
Inspired by her students after Covid, Deborah set up a very active eco-committee which has grown in numbers and actions. In June 2024 they proudly achieved Malone's first ever Green Flag award through the eco-schools programme focusing on three themes which include reducing litter, improving biodiversity and reducing waste. Over the past few years, she has worked with Keep NI Beautiful, Northern Ireland Water and Belfast City Council to continue to promote issues related to the environment at Malone. Students have had the opportunity to participate in litter collections, whole school assemblies promoting awareness on litter, a Ministerial Visit, Fast Fashion and Climate Action Workshops, Hedgerow Heroes Programme, Love Here Live Here Scheme and The Wheelie Big Challenge. Students have made bird feeders, installed bat and bird boxes and planted fruit trees on school grounds. They often come up with the best ideas and through their weekly meetings enjoy discussing environmental issues and ways to continue to become more sustainable at Malone. Some of the students were awarded the Blue Peter Green Badge for their actions last year. In September 2025 Deborah is planning to offer a new OCN Level 2 Certificate in Reducing Carbon Footprints through Environmental Action to continue to promote climate action through the curriculum.
Deborah loves working with her fantastic colleagues and the school's passionate pupils, who inspire her to offer the best opportunities for learning and help her to promote many positive actions in relation to environmental issues.