A COLOUR run at the Falls Park at the weekend has raised much-needed funds to help an eight-year-old West Belfast boy receive medical treatment in the US.

Nail McCahey was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) in 2016 at the age of three and has been receiving treatment in America since July this year.

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is a degenerative condition which mainly affects young boys. The muscle wasting disease leads to patients developing breathing difficulties in their late teens to early 20s. At the time of his diagnosis, his parents Louise and Mark were told that he would be wheelchair bound by the age of 10.

Niall’s mum, Louise McCahey explained that the infusion treatments he is receiving in the US will aim to keep him out of a wheelchair.

“Niall is doing well for a child of his age with Duchenne,” she said.

“He had his first treatment in July and within an hour of his first treatment we did notice a difference in his walking and his breathing.

“The main thing with the treatment is to prevent his condition from declining rather than seeing big improvements. His condition is degenerative and he will constantly decline but even if this treatment can keep him how he is now rather than a decline, then that will be a big bonus to him.

“He loves going to football and if we can continue that with this treatment and fundraising then that would be brilliant.”

Niall travels to the US for infusion therapy every three months and is due to return to the States on 8 January. The money raised from the colour run – which was organised by Tullymore Youth Empowerment Project and West Belfast Coolers – will go towards his treatment, travel and hotel costs.

Thanking those who were involved in this latest fundraising effort, Louise continued: “Myself and my husband Mark couldn’t thank Tullymore enough.

“Niall went to the creche at Tullymore from when he was nine months and only left last year. They have been so good to him from day one, right through his diagnosis and up until he left their afterschools last year.

“They were brilliant at catering for his disability and making sure that he could join in the activities. For that, we couldn’t thank them enough.”

Nicola Kyles, Outreach Development Officer at Tullymore Youth Services thanked those who took part.

“Over 100 people came together for a 3k run round the Falls Park throwing coloured power at each other. It was a brilliant fun filled event. 

“£1,000 was raised from the Colour Run and a generous donation was made by Upper Andersonstown Community Forum. Thank you to everyone who took part and to those who supported the event.”