

AGNEW Rosaleen 5 years away from home.  I miss your words of wisdom, I miss your laughter too,  nothing will ever compare again to my years of loving  you. I’ll hold on to you forever deep within my heart and  though you are not here my love, I know we will never  part. I wish I just had one more chance to see that tender  smile to laugh again with you my love just for a little  while. No man could wish for better to share in love and  life, I count myself lucky everyday to have called you my  wife. From your loving husband John. St Padre Pio pray  for her.                    

Agnew Rosaleen, 5 years away from home. You carried  me as a child and held onto my hand, you loved and  treasured me every day and taught me how to stand. Of  all the scary things in life that I could ever fear, nothing is  so frightening as you not been here but you taught me  how to be strong and you taught me how to stand, even  when you aren't here to hold onto my hand. I'm grateful  for what you taught me and I'm grateful for your love and  I know that you watch over me from the heavens up  above. From your loving daughter Sharon. St Padre Pio  pray for her.                 

Agnew Rosaleen, 5th year away from home. You are too  precious to ever be forgotten and too priceless to ever re- place, I wish I could share another moment with you and  see your smiling face. I’ll cherish the memories we made,  all the times we spent together and I’ll hold them dearly  in my heart from now until forever. From your loving  grandson Sean. St Padre Pio pray for her.