

BARBER JULIA The family of the late  Julia Barber (née Nee- son) wish to express their  sincere thanks to all who  sympathised with them in  their recent bereavement.  Thank you to all who visited Julia in O'Kanes Funeral Home, sent cards, telephoned, and attended the Funeral. A special thank you to Fr Lyons from St Teresa's Church for a meaningful Funeral Mass, and to Olive Keys for the beautiful Hymns, Linda Arthur for her B.S.L translation of the Mass  and Hymns. Thank you  also to O'Kanes Funeral  Directors for their professional and dignified manner in which the Funeral was arranged and carried out.  Julia's Months Mind  Mass will be celebrated  in St Matthias' Church  Glen Road on Sunday  13th February at 10.00am.  Rest in Peace Julia.