

BARNES CAROLINE 6th Anniversary In loving memory of our daughter Caroline who died 29th  September 2018. Memories are a gift to treasure and ours  of you will last forever. The pain of losing you will always  stay, we love and miss you everyday. Rest in peace. Mum  and Dad. 

In loving memory of my beautiful sister whose 6th Anni- versary occurs 29th September. Our time together was  special, so were the memories we made and although you  are in heaven now, those memories never fade. Thought  about every single day and missed so much by your sister  Katrina, brother-in-law Danny and nephews Daniel and  James. 

BARNES Caroline (Nee Curran) whose 6th Anniversary oc- curs 29th September. Throughout the year we think of  you and try not to cry, because we know you’re gone and  had to say good-bye. To your resting place we go placing  flowers with care but no one knows the heartache as we  turn and leave you there. Always missed and loved by  brother Michael, sister-in-law Geraldine, nephews Michael  and Conal. Mary Queen of Ireland pray for her. Sleep tight  our kid x.

BARNES Caroline 6th Anniversary occurs 29th Septem- ber. In memory of my sister Caroline, love and miss you  everyday. From brother Damien.