Christmas Blessings


BASSETT Tiarnán 8th Christmas in Heaven My beautiful son, another Christmas away. No presents or cards to give you or even one last hug and kiss from you. Oh son how I really would need this now, but I know you have been my guardian angel these past few weeks and will get me through it. We love and miss you so much and never be forgotten. Happy Heavenly Christmas. Love mummy, Codi, Deaglán, Olivia, Tiarnéy and wee son Jake xxx

BASSETT Tiarnán Happy Heavenly Christmas in  Heaven to my beautiful grandson. You were my  best friend, when I think of the things we done  and the laughs we had, it still puts a smile on my  face. I pray to you each night and think of you  every day. I love you so much Hammer. God bless  from your da B.B xxxx