

BENNETT STEPHEN 42nd Anniversary In loving memory of our son and brother  taken too soon 16th September 1982 aged 14 years If we could write a story it would be the greatest  ever told, of a kind and loving person with a heart  of gold. We could write a million pages but there’s  one thing we would say, just how much we love  and miss you every minute of every day. 42 years  without you, without your smile, your jokes and  laughter, your love, your warmth and it never gets  any easier. As long as we live you will be missed  and loved always and forever until we meet again  my one and only big son. Sacred Heart of Jesus  hold our Stephen close to you xxx. Always loved by  your mammy Irene, Sam, sisters Mairead, Leeanne,  Caroline, nieces Naomi, Georgia, Ava, nephews  Christopher, Darragh, Michael, Aidan, great niece  Ellie. Belfast and USA.