Birthday Memories


BOYD CHRISTOPHER Sending Heavenly birthday wishes to my first  born son Christopher,  whose 44th birthday  which would have oc- curred on 27th June. It  was the hardest thing to  lose you, you meant the  world to me but you are  in my heart son and  that’s where you’ll be. I  know that Heaven called  you but I wish you could  have stayed, at least the  memories I have of you  they will never fade. I did  not want to lose you but  you did not go alone, be- cause part of me went  with you when Heaven  called you home. So just  remember one thing we  are not apart, you’re with  me in my memories and  in my broken heart. Always loved and sorely  missed by your mum and  Brian, your brother Ciaran, wife Claire, neph- ews and nieces. Rest in  peace. Fly high with the  angels, til we meet again  son and brother. Enjoy  your party in Heaven with  all the angels son. Mary  Queen of the Gael keep  him with you always. Enjoy your party in Heaven Christopher. St Pio keep him safe in your heart forever. xxxxxxxxxxx

Christopher boyd