

 BROWNING Moya 3rd Anniversary  occurs 11th January How can I write on paper  the feelings I have inside,  the sadness and the lone- liness I have felt since  you died. They say that  time heals, but everyday I  miss you more, and I  would give anything just  to see you walk through  the door. You meant so  much to me and there’s  nothing more to say, the  grief is still within my  heart as I think of you today.  Mary Queen of the  Gael pray for her.  Loved  and remembered always  by your son Christopher  and family. 

BROWNING Moya 3rd Anniversary 11th January 2023  Rest In Peace mummy. She  never failed to do her best  her heart was true and tender, she worked and toiled  for those she loved and left  them to remember. We sat  beside your bedside our  hearts were crushed and  sore, we did our duty to the  end until we could do no  more. In tears we watched  you fade away and though  our hearts were breaking  we knew you could not stay.  You left behind some aching hearts that loved you  most sincere, we never shall  and never will forget you  mother dear. Love you most  Muz forever and always.  Your baby Laura, Matt and  family xo