Birthday Memories


BRYAN'S  Danny  16th October 2022 When God was making husbands as far as I can see,  He made a special soul  mate especially for me. He  made a perfect gentleman,  compassionate and kind,  with more love and affection that you could ever  wish to find. He gave my  darling husband a heart of  solid gold, only my heart  can hold. He was someone I  could talk to that no one  else can replace, he was  someone I could laugh with  until tears ran down my  face. Next time we meet will  be at Heaven’s door, when I  see you standing there I  won’t cry anymore. I will put  my arms around you and  kiss your smiling face, then  the pieces of my broken  heart will fall back into  place. Dad God took the  strength of a mountain and  the majesty of a tree, the  warmth of a summer sun,  the calm of a quiet sea. The  generous soul of nature and  the comforting arm of night,  the wisdom of the ages and  the power of the eagles  flight. The joy of a morning  in spring and the faith of a  mustard seed, the patience  of eternity and the depth of  a family need. Then God  combined these qualities,  when there was nothing  more to add, He knew his  masterpiece was complete  and so He called it, Dad. We  love and miss you every  day. Love from wife Colette  and your children Gerard,  Colum and Sharon and part- ners Donna, Noreen and  Tom, grandchildren Ciara,  Shaun, Georgia, Amy and  Aidan. Happy Heavenly  birthday xx.