Birthday Memories


BURNS PATRICK Precious birthday memories  of my beloved brother Pat- rick whose 37th birthday oc- curs on the 18th of February,  his 12th away from home. I  can’t wish you happy birth- day nor send you a present  or card, but worse than that  I can’t be with you Patrick  which makes it twice as  hard. If I could have a single  wish and never have an- other, it would simply be to  have an hour to spend with  my wee brother. I would  wrap my arms around you  Patrick and kiss your smil- ing face, then pieces of my  brother’s heart would fall  back into place. But I know  that God would not grant  my wish for He would surely  know, that if I had you in my  arms Patrick I would never  let you go. Love you more  than words can say. Rest in  peace Patrick with our big  brother Eddie. Your heart- broken sister Nicola,  Mickey, Cora, Michael, Pat- rick and Aaron xxx. Memo- ries last forever never do  they die, families stay to- gether and never say good  bye.