

BURNS Rose   (Nee Dougan)  R.I.P We as a family of the late  Rose Burns wish to thank  most sincerely all those who  sympathised with us on our  recent bereavement. We  would like to say thank you  to all who called to the  house, sent mass cards,  flowers, food and attended  the funeral. A special  thanks to Fr McCullough for  his spiritual support and  celebration of Mass. Thank  you to Catherine McCallum  and Rose’s grandson Ryan  McCormick who sang beau- tifully at the Mass. We  would like to thank the Staff  on Ward 5F in the Royal Vic- toria Hospital for their care  and support during a diffi- cult time. We as a family  would like to thank Ace  Taxis who have been so car- ing and supportive towards  our beautiful mother over  the years. Finally we would  like to thank O’Neill’s Fu- neral Directors for their pro- fessional manner during  this difficult period in our  lives. Rose’s Months Mind  Mass will be celebrated in  St Agnes’ on Saturday 20th  July at 6:30pm. May our  beautiful mother and part- ner rest in peace.