

BURNS EDDIE Murdered 12th March 2007 17th Anniversary Treasured memories of our  big son Eddie. A date that’s  filled with great sadness  has returned to us once  more, to mark the day you  were taken from us each  day we miss you more and  more. No farewells were  spoken, no time to say good  bye, you were gone before  we knew it and only God  knows why. You were always there when we needed  you, no task too big or  small, with a loving heart  and willing hands, for us  you did it all. The pain we  have to live with, the tears  we never show, the empti- ness without you no one  will ever know. If love could  bring you back again for  just another day, then all  the love we have for you  would bring you back to  stay. Eddie wrap your arms  around wee Patrick and  keep him safe for us we  love you both so much, St  Anthony pray for them.  Loved and missed always  your heartbroken mummy  and daddy RIP xxxxx. 

Eddie burns mum and dad