BURNS PATRICK 13th Anniversary occurs 16th January There have been many times that we disagreed but we were there for each other in times of need. Heaven called upon you that day leaving so many words left to say, but now it’s too late for your time had come, words unspoken. I am sure everyone has some regrets and wishes are there too but lasting for- ever are memories of you. Life is too short for you not to know how I feel inside, I can never let you go, we were robbed of you Patrick, you were just 23. You live on in our memories but I know you are in a better place with our Eddie up above. Life is too cruel, death is too, but I want you to know I love you, I am proud to have been part of your life, in your own words Patrick memories last for- ever, never do they die, fam- ily stay together and never say good-bye. Love you for- ever wee bro your sister Ni- cola, Mickey and kids xxxxx.