

Campbell Tony  whose 6th Anniversary  occurs on the  29th of January I think of things you used to  say and all that you would  do, at some point every day  my thoughts turn to you. To  lose you was a bitter  wrench, the pain cut to my  core, I cried until my tears  run out and then I cried  some more. This wouldn’t  be your wish for me that I'd  be forever sad, so I try to re- mind myself of the happy  times we had. As days pass  and turn to years I will al- ways remember you with si- lent tears. Safe inside my  heart Tony you will always  stay. Loved always and for- ever your heartbroken Fiancée Róisín and our son  Cónal (your monster boy).

CAMPBELL Tony  6th Anniversary Think of him as living in  the hearts of those he  touched for nothing loved  is ever lost and he was  loved so much. Loved and  remembered always uncle Tony, aunt Kate and  cousin Laura. 

 CAMPBELL Tony 6th Anniversary occurs 29th January. Time may pass and  fade away but silent  thoughts and memories  stay. Will those who think of  Tony today, a little prayer to  Jesus say. Sadly missed by  Marguerite and Marty, Martin and Sean McIlwaine. St Anthony pray for him.

CAMPBELL Tony  6th Anniversary No farewells were spo- ken, no time to say good- bye, you were gone be- fore we know it and only  God knows why. Loved  and missed everyday  granny Sheila. 

CAMPBELL TONY Whose 6th Anniversary  occurs 29th January. Our beautiful Tony, 6  years gone from us. It’s  hard to put into words  how much we miss you.  Not a day has passed  that we don’t think of  you. Your lovely smile,  your thoughtful ways, you  looked after us all. So  sadly missed and loved  until we meet again.  Tony, forever in our  hearts. All  our love aun- tie Ann Marie, cousins  Emma and wee Ronan xx