

CANAVAN Rita 17th Anniversary December 10th. When  you lose someone you love  the hurt is hard to hide, but when you lose your mother,  the hurt goes deep inside. I  think of you with love each day, the things you used to  do and say, they bring a smile, they bring a tear, for a wonderful mother I wish  was here. Loved and missed  so much, your daughter  Geri, son-in-law Marty,  grandchildren Leanne, Rita, James and Katie, and great  grandchildren. 

CANAVAN Rita 17th Anniversary of my mother Rita. Always loved and missed by your daughter Anna. Our Lady of the Knock pray for her. 

CANAVAN (17th Anniversary). Precious memories of our dearly loved mummy and granny Rita RIP. God gave me a wonderful mummy, her memory will never grow old, He fashioned her smile out of sunshine and moulded her heart with gold. To me you will always be a special  mummy, in my eyes you will  always shine, of all the  mummy’s in the world I’m so proud that you were  mine. St Pio pray for her. Give my daddy a kiss and  hug from us. Loved always by your daughter Mary, son-in-law Gerard, Ciara and  Joseph. 

CANAVAN Rita 17th Anniversary. Precious memories of  my mother Rita. Those we love don’t go away, they  walk beside us everyday. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for  her. Sadly missed by your  son Seamus. 

CANAVAN Rita Treasured memories of my mummy. St Theresa of the Roses look after her. Forever loved and still missed your daughter Jean, son-in-law Gerry and  grandchildren xx.