

CANAVAN Jacqueline  In loving memory of Jacqueline whose 2nd Anniversary occurs on the 17th  of June. It’s hard to believe that two years have  gone by Jacqueline, you  are always in my  thoughts and prayers and  will be always missed.  Until we all meet again,  love Martina Canavan  and family xo

CANAVAN Jacqueline. My  loving wife Jacqueline. My  life has been so empty and  dark without you. Soul- mates forever. Miss you un- til the day I die. I'll hold all  our memories close to my  heart. Your devoted husband Bo.

CANAVANJacqueline 2nd  Anniversary. Precious  memories of my dear cousin  Jacqueline whose Anniversary occurs 17th June. St  Gerard Majella pray for her.  Remembered with love and  affection by your cousin Ursula x.