

CANAVAN Jimmy 33rd Anniversary Remembering my dead  daddy Jimmy. Far to good  in life to be forgotten in  death. RIP Your loving  daughter Patsy.

CANAVAN  Jimmy 33rd Anniversary occurred 13th October. Those we love dont  go away they walk beside  us everyday. Unseen unheard but always near, still  loved and missed your  daughter Anna.

 CANAVAN James In loving  memory of my father whose  33rd Anniversary occurs October 13th. Deep are the  memories silently they stay,  no passing of time can take  them away. Loved always,  your daughter Geri,  son-in-law Marty, grandchildren 

 CANAVAN Jimmy 33rd Anniversary. In loving memory  of my dear daddy Jimmy  RIP. Not a day goes by that I  dont think about you and  miss you. St Therese pray  for him. Your loving son  Seamus.

 CANAVAN Jimmy RIP. St  Pio pray for him. It’s thirty  three years since you  passed daddy, love and  miss you so much you’re al- ways with me in my  thoughts and prayers, my  heart and soul. My mammy’s with you now together  happy and at peace, and I  know you are both looking  over us and that is a com- fort. Give mammy a kiss and  hug from us. Always loved  and missed by your daugh- ter Mary, son-in-law Gerard  and grandchildren.

CANAVAN Precious memories of my daddy Jimmy.  Forever in our hearts your  daughter Jean, son-in-law  Gerry and grandchildren. x