CLARKE Seamus In proud and loving memory of my beautiful baby brother Seamus whose big 30th birthday occurred Wednesday 22nd February. Is there a party up in Heaven to celebrate your day? Did the angels frost a cake for you, did daddy sing to start your day? We’re celebrating you down here as they must be up above, I truly hope your special day was filled with peace and love. That day was always special as we gathered round you here, we’d sing and laugh and celebrate your day with so much cheer. I miss those special mo- ments we shared throughout the years, it’s hard to find that on that day my eyes now filled with tears. Please know I’m thinking of you as I go about the days, this day was very special though because it’s your big 30th birthday. Loved and so sorely missed Seamus son, till forever ends rubber nut. Your big sis Alicia and Gary xxxxx Happy 30th birthday in Heaven uncle Shameless. Love and miss you always, your No.1 Sean-Mick and wee Jack Clarke xxxxx