

 CRAWFORD Bobby The family of the late Bobby Craw- ford wish to express our sincere appreciation and heartfelt thanks to all those who  sympathised, prayed for  and supported us through  our recent sad bereavement. A special thanks to  his friend Mal who was always there for him. A special word of thanks to Fr  McCullagh for his kind attention and support and  beautiful Mass. We would  also like to thank Tony  McMullan for his beautiful  singing, Healy Brothers for  the professional and dignified way they carried out the  Funeral arrangements. We’d  like to thank the PD staff,  committee and members for  their generosity for a wonderful buffet and excellent  service. As it is not possible  to thank everyone individually please accept this acknowledgment as a token of  our heartfelt gratitude to  you all. Bobby’s Months  Mind Mass will be cele- brated in St Agnes Church  on  Saturday 10th December  at 6.30pm.