DARGAN KATHLEEN DARGAN MICHAEL 10th Anniversary 45th Anniversary 17th January 2014 13th January 1979 Loving memories of my dear mother Kathleen. It seems to be yesterday those days have not went away, you were true to me laughing and the jokes, the way you speak, I wish could turn them back again, all over again to have them laughs back again and happy days too. Miss you, proud of you to be my mother. I never got saying good- bye, you were gone before I knew it. Your heart- breaking son David. St Jude pray for her xoxo.
DARGAN Kathleen 10th Anniversary 17th January 2014. In loving memory of my dear sister Kathleen. Happy memories of you before life was done, I still talk about you and you are my best friend and sister. Also Saint Jude pray for her. Your sister Marie.
DARGAN Michael who died on 13th of January, 45 years 1979. In loving memory of my dear father Michael. Saint Joseph pray for him. Your daughter Marie. Never forgotten.