

DENVIR Billy  5th Anniversary occurs 14th February Of all the gifts in life however great or small, to  have you as my brother  was the greatest gift of  all. A special time, a special place, a special  brother I can’t replace.  With an aching heart I  whisper low, I miss you  brother and love you so.  Loved and remembered  your sister Bernadette,  nieces Lisa and family  and Paula and family,  brothers John and  Francey and sister-in-law  Kathleen.

 DENVIR William (BIlly) 5th Anniversary  occurs 14th of February In loving memory of my  father and grandfather  Billy. It's been the hardest  thing to lose you, you  meant so much to me but  you are in my heart dad  and that's where you'll al- ways be. I know that  heaven called you, but I  wish you could have  stayed, at least the  memories I have of you,  they will never fade away,  I did not want to lose you  but you did not go alone,  because a part of me  went with you when  Heaven called you home.  So remember just one  thing, we are not apart,  you’re with me in my  memories and in my bro- ken heart. Loved and  missed by your daughter  Ann Marie and grandsons  Connor and Ryan. St Padre Pio pray for him.

DENVIR William (Billy)  In loving memory of my  dear husband whose 5th  Anniversary occurs 14th  February. We made our  vows together that we  would never part, but  when God came and took  you my whole world fell  apart. To me you were  someone special, some- one set apart, God has  you in His keeping, I have  you in my heart. May the  winds of Heaven blow  softly and whisper in your  ear, how much I love and  miss you and wish that  you were here. Until we  meet again. Miss you always your loving wife  Sheila. St Pio pray for him.

DENVIR William  (Billy) 5th Anniversary  occurs 14th February Our hearts still ache with  sadness and many tears  still flow, what it meant to  lose you no one will ever  know. We hold you close  within our hearts and  there you will remain, to  walk with us throughout  our lives until we meet  again. Loved always and  deeply missed by your  daughter Sarah,  son-in-law Patrick and  grandchildren Angel and  Leo.