

DEVLIN (DEV) Gerard  Stabbed to Death Loving memories of my beloved dad brutally murdered,  stabbed to death. Dad you were always here when  needed, no problem too big or small, with a loving heart  and willing hands, for us you did it all. Time will pass but  memories will stay, you’ll be loved and remembered every  day. By big son Gerard, Charlene and four grandchildren.

DEVLIN Gerard Anniversary 3rd February (Big Dev) You’ll never be forgotten,  that simply cannot be, as  long as I am living I’ll  carry you with  me. Safely  tucked within my heart  your light will always  shine, a glowing ember  never stilled throughout  the end of time. No mat- ter what the future brings  or what may lie ahead, I  know that you will walk  with me along the path I  tread. Gone but never forgotten. Partner Aine and  son Pebo xx Give Fionnbarr a kiss from us.