

DEVLIN (Dev) Gerard 17th Anniversary Stabbed to death It’s with sad but such beautiful memories we remember our beloved son Gerard who was cruelly and brutally knifed to death. We remember with pride the joy and happiness you brought to us. Your passion for life, your love and devotion to your family and friends and your willingness to help all those in need. Your caring and generous nature, your strength and courage to stand alone unarmed to face the cowards who stabbed you to death. A beautiful son cut down in the prime of life by a juda’s hand with a lethal knife. For all you were to me in life and the endless joys you brought, your memory lives on in every day and every thought. So many happy days Gerard but not enough years. Sadly but lovinginly remembered always and forever by mum, dad, sisters Jackie, Trisha, Jennifer and families and (Ma Baker). St Jude watch over him. Thy will be done.