

 DOAK Margaret In loving  memory of granny Doak on  the 3rd Anniversary of her  passing. Always thinking  about you and I know you're  by my side all the time. Your  grandson Gerard xx. 

DOAK (3rd Anniversary)  Margaret. In sad and loving  memory of my dear granny  who went to Heaven on 4th  April 2020, RIP, St Pio Pray  for her. A raindrop fell from  Heaven the day our granny  died and the Angels came  to greet her, to welcome her  inside. Our hearts were  filled with sadness like we  never felt before, granny  had reached her Heavenly  home and the Angels closed  the door. Love and miss you  forever and a day. Your loving grand-daughter Geraldine, Faith and Jamie xx. 

DOAK Margaret Precious  memories of my dear  mother whose 3rd anniver- sary occurs 4th April 2023.  Tears on our pillow, an ache  in our hearts, the day  God  took you our world fell  apart. To have you as a  mother was cause enough  for pride, no-one could ever  equal you no matter how  they tried. So you may know  forever that to us you were  the very best, and may you  find a gentle peace in sweet  eternal rest. Loved and  missed everyday your son  Samuel and Mary and family.