

DOHERTY One year gone already Michael, my heart is  so sore, I miss our chats, I  miss seeing you, so now I  talk to you at your graveside. Love and will always  miss you brother. St Michael the Arc angel pray for  him. From your brother  Hughie, sister-in-law Eileen,  niece Danielle and nephew  Liam. xxx

 DOHERTY Michael His 1st  anniversary occurs 13th October. As long as hearts remember, as long as hearts  still care, we do not part  with those we love, he is  with us everywhere. Of all  the gifts in life however  great or small, to have you  as my brother was the per- fect gift of all.  Never forgot- ten by your oldest sister Annie. Always remembered xxx

 DOHERTY Michael. 1st Anniversary RIP. St Michael the  Arch angel look after him.  Michael one year already,  I’m sure you’re one happy  man up there with your  mummy and daddy. Oh how  you’re missed so much by  me. I will always miss you  my brother from your sister  Sheila, brother-in-law Edd  and family. Sleep tight xx