

DORAN  1st Anniversary 30th December 2024  We never thought when  leaving home that you  would never more return.  That he in death so soon  would sleep and leave us all  alone. We think of the day  when you were born and the  memory of that will never  be gone. Shine down on us  with that beautiful smile so  we can feel those memories  for just another while. Love  always your mummy Bernie,  daddy Gerard, your son Ger- ard, his mummy Annabelle,  sister Georgina, niece  Olivia, nephew Michael, sis- ter Katrina and Ciaran,  nephews Ciaran, Rowan,  Conn, sister Mairead and  Jamie, brother Sean Barry  and Sarah, aunts, uncles,  cousins and all your friends.  Forever in our hearts xxx.