Birthday Memories


DUNLOP PATRICK Whose 49th birthday occurs on 28th August My precious wee brother,  you were very kind and  thoughtful with a warm and  loving heart and when other  people needed help you always played your part. Your  thought of every single day  whatever time of year but  somehow more than ever  now you’re special day is  here. No present can be  given and that is very hard  but there’s a world of love  inside your little card. Each  memory is shinning bright  and treasured dearly too,  but memories can’t take the  place of someone as pre- cious as you. Party with  mum and dad and all our  loved ones in your Heavenly  home. Still heartbroken over  you and deeply missed always. Your big sis Marian,  Jim, Patrick and Rachel xxx  Give my two precious parents a kiss from me.