

DUNLOP BRIDIE  Whose 1st Anniversary  occurs 29th October  My precious, caring, loving,  funny wee mummy. I still  can’t get my head around  the fact that I won’t see you  again but the memories we  made are etched deep in my  heart. You suffered so much  at the end I was praying  God would take you. You al- ways thought of others and  you would say that there’s  worse people off than you.  You prayed for everyone  even the celebrities. This  picture I put in of you is in  your Mrs Browns apron I  bought you. It’s the one that  puts a smile on my face  when I look at it as everyone thought you looked like  her. I try to think of all the  good times that we had and  the laughs when you were  well. I’m sitting here watching Strictly Come Dancing  and remembering the night  I took you to see it, you  were loving it. We had a  great night and so many  memories made with you, I  bet you’re watching it on  the big tv in Heaven. I miss  you so so much. Keep  watching over me and thank  you for my 2 signs, I will  treasure them always. Padre  Pio keep her in your arms  forever. Loved and deeply  missed your heartbroken  daughter Marian and Jim.  Give dad and Patrick a kiss  from me xxx.