

EMMETT Francis Peter  whose 1st Anniversary occurs 1st March. You may  have thought I didn't see or  that I hadn't heard, life lessons that you taught me but  I got every word. Perhaps  you thought I missed it all,  or that we'd grow apart but I  picked up everything, it’s  written on my heart. Without you I wouldn't be the  person I am today. Forever  grateful to have had you in  my life, miss you so much  and your (sometimes) wise  words. Love you, from  Sheila and Clint xox

EMMETT Francis Peter.  Whose 1st Anniversary occurs on 1st March. Those  special memories of you will  always make us smile, if  only we could have you  back for just a little while.  Then we could sit and have  a laugh just like we used to  do, then I could have my  cup of tea and you a whiskey or two. I know someday  that again we’ll meet but  until that day comes it’s see  you later our Pete. Love and  miss you from your stepson  James Strong xoxo.