

EMMETT Francis Peter. 2nd  Anniversary on 1st March.  Daddy some days I can hear  your voice and I turn to see  your face, yet in my turning  it seems the sound has  been erased. Who will I turn  to for answers when life  does not make sense? Who  will be there to hold me  close when I’m feeling very  tense? Oh daddy if I could  turn back time and once  more hear your voice, I’d tell  you that out of all the dad- dys, you would still be my  only choice. Please always  know I love you and no one  can take your place. The  years may come and go but  your memory will not be  erased. Loved and missed  always from your step  daughter Dana, son-in-law  Gerard and grandson Alfie,  your wee side kick xxxx.

 EMMETT  Francis Peter. 2nd  Anniversary occurs 1st  March. You'll never be for- gotten, that simply cannot  be, as long as I am living I'll  carry you with me. Safely  tucked within my heart,  your light will always shine,  a glowing ember never  stilled, throughout the end  of time. Loved and Missed  every minute of every day.  From Sheila and Clint xo

 EMMETT  Francis Peter. 2nd  Anniversary occurs 1st  March. Papa if we could  have a wish come true, a  dream that'd come to pass,  we'd ask to spend the day  with you and pray that it  would last. We'd run to you  and hold you close, where  we'd laugh and smile again.  We love you Papa. Lana,  Conan-Francis and Ciaran  xo. 

EMMETT  Peter   Thinking of you and missing  you on this your anniversary  and wishing I’d said all the  things I never got to say, because it seemed I took your  love for granted, that I  know. I only wish I’d told  you then how much I love  you so had I ever needed  you, you’d never turn your  back, you’d pick me up  each time I’d fall and put  me back on track and since  you’ve gone I miss you so  and realise what I had, a  parent with a heart of gold,  the worlds best dad. Love  your daughter Marguerite,  son-in-law Eric, grandchildren Pearse, Margaret and Brandon and partner Aaron, great grandchildren Reilly, Jamie, Ella and Daisy. We  all miss you so much.