

FENTON MARY whose 9th Anniversary  occurs 28th August  St Pio pray for her If I only had five minutes  the day you passed away,  I would have had time to  tell you of all the things I  needed to say. I never got  to tell you how much you  mean to me, or that you  were the best that anyone  could be. Our time together was special. so  were the memories we  made and although you  live in Heaven now those  memories never fade. I  bow my head in silence  and remember my wife  with love and I know that  you are up there watch- ing from above. Everyday  is a struggle and nothing  feels the same and my  heart breaks a little more  every time I hear your  name. You'll always be  remembered Mary and  time may heal my heart,  but a piece of me is miss- ing since the day we had  to part. If Heaven is for  angels then I know that's  where you'll be and I  know you will be waiting  when Heaven calls for  me. So wait for me in  Heaven, don't let me  come alone, the days the  Angels come for me  please be there to bring  me home. Always loved  and sorely missed hour  heartbroken husband Fra  xx.