FITZSIMONS Hugh Whose 62nd birthday occurred on the 11th October also his 1st Anniversary on 17th October. In loving memory of my husband Hugh. To no longer see your face, to longer see your face breaks me every day. So suddenly you were taken and I didn’t get to say, just how much I loved you and that you were my life, the hurt I feel from you have passed, cuts me like a knife. I never will be complete again, I wear a mask of coping but I am in despair, I cannot mend what’s broken, my heart’s beyond repair. I will smile if I have to but that is just a mask and I will say that I’m ok when people kindly ask, never will I be whole again because I will never get you back. Love and miss you every day babes and always will love you forever your wife Fra xxxx.
FITZSIMONS Hugh Whose 62nd birthday occurred 11th October also his 1st Anniversary occurs on 17th October. If I could send a card to Heaven up above, I’d tell you that I miss you and send it with all my love. If pain could fill a thousand pages but what good would that do, because the only thing I long for is to get one back from you. So if the angels are listening every time I pray, I hope they send this message that I miss you every day da. For now I’ll keep this card here, I hope you understand, please da keep watching over me until I deliver it by hand. Love and miss you every day from your son Seamus, aka your LA.