

FOX Mary whose 10th Anniversary occurs Sunday 21st  July. The world changes  from year to year mummy,  our lives from day to day,  but the love and memory of  you shall never pass away.  Missed always your daugh- ter Frances, grand-daugh- ters Shauna and Caitlin and  great grand-daughter Aivah. 

 FOX Mary whose 10th Anni- versary occurs on 21st July.  We think of you in silence,  we often speak your name,  but all we have are memo- ries and your picture in a  frame. Your resting place  we visit to put flowers there  with care, but no one knows  the heartache as we turn  and leave you there. Sadly  missed by your heartbroken  son Kieran, daughter-in-law  Natasha, grandchildren  Christopher, Leah and Zara.