Garland O'Neill Baby Shane, my beautiful nephew whose 4th Anniver- sary occurs on 1st December. Miss you loads, sleep tight wee man love you forever. Uncle Shane, auntie Deirdre, cousins Joshua, Luke and Rebecca xxxx.
GARLAND/O’NEILL on the 4th Anniversary of my nephew Shane. Miss and love you always wee man. Aunty Caroline, cousins Keelan and Raichal xoxo.
Garland/O'NeiLL Baby Shane, my beautiful nephew whose 4th Anniversary occurs on 1st December. Miss you loads, sleep tight wee man. Love you forever. Uncle Paul, cousins Jamie and Sophie xxxx.
Garland/O'Neill Baby Shane our precious nephew whose 4th Anniversary occurs on 1st December. Miss you always wee man. Lots of love. Auntie Emma, uncle Eamonn and your cousins Louise, Natasha, Rory and Freya xxxx.