Birthday Memories


GILLEN Marie 70th birthday  occurs 16th January. Pre- cious memories of our  mummy on her 70th birth- day. This day was always  special as we gathered  round you here, we miss  those special moments that  we shared throughout the  years. Please know that  we’re thinking of you as we  go throughout each day, but  this day is extra special be- cause it’s your birthday.  Love and miss you always  your daughter Alison and  Paul, son David and Jacqui,  son Andrew and Michaela. 

 GILLEN Marie Special  memories of our granny on  her 70th birthday. We think  about you always in a very  special way, not only on  your birthday but every sin- gle day. All our love from  your grandchildren Sarah,  Paul, Amy, Aaron, Rachel,  Jessica, Emily, Gabriella  and Jacob.