

GILLESPIE John In loving  memory of my dear brother  John whose 11th Anniversary occurs on 25th April.  There is always a face before me, a voice I would  love to hear, a smile I will  always remember of a  brother I loved so dear.  Deep in my heart lies a pic- ture more precious than sil- ver or gold, it’s a picture of  my brother whose memory  will never grow old. Loved  always and forever, your sister Annmarie, brother-in-law Paddy and nephew Thomas. Our Lady of Lourdes pray for  Him xxx. 

Gillespie John In loving  memory of my dear brother  John whose 11th Anniversary occurs on 25th April. A  picture of you I carry in my  heart, I close my eyes to see  it when the world gets dark.  A memory of you I carry in  my soul, I wrap it close  around me when the nights  get cold. If you ask how I  am, I’d say just fine, but the  truth is I miss you sweet  brother of mine. Treasured  memories like a golden  chain link us John until we  meet again. Loved and  missed everyday your sister  Liz, niece Sharon, nephews,  Michael, Sean and families.  Our Lady of Lourdes pray for  Him xxxx. 
