

GILLESPIE  Elizabeth (Lily) In  loving memory of my dear  wife Lily whose 20th Anniversary occurs 21st November. Beautiful memories  treasured forever of the  happy years we spent together. Life is eternal, love  will remain. In God’s own  time we will meet again.  Lord put your arms around  her and kiss her smiling  face for she is very special  and can never be replaced.  Loved and remembered always, your husband Rob.  Our Lady pray for Her xx. 

Gillespie Elizabeth (Lily) In  loving memory of my dear  Granny Lily whose 20th Anniversary occurs 21st November. A bouquet of beautiful lilies we send to you,  sprinkled with teardrops in- stead of dew. And in the  middle a forget-me-not, to  let you know we haven’t for- got. Sunshine passes, shadows fall, but love and remembrance outlast them  all. Granny look after our  Robert for me, give him and  my daddy the biggest hug.  Loved and missed always,  Sharon, Gerard, Anton and  Emma xxxx. 

Gillespie Elizabeth (Lily) In  loving memory of my dear  Mummy whose 20th Anniversary occurs 21st November. Beautiful memories are  treasured forever, of happy  days when we were altogether. Gone are the days  we used to share but in our  hearts you are always there.  The gates of memory will  never close, we miss you  more than anyone knows.  With tender love and deep  regret, we who love you will  never forget. Dearly loved  and quietly remembered  every day, your loving  daughter Annmarie, Paddy  and Thomas. Our Lady pray  for her xxxx. 
