

GLENHOLMES The brothers and sisters of  the late Richard (Chick)  Glenholmes (RIP) wish to  thank all our family, friends  and neighbours who supported us on our great loss, a special thanks to Father Brankin who celebrated the Mass, called at our home, officiated the Funeral, all who attended the Funeral, brought Mass cards, sent floral tributes and messages of condolence.  Also a special thanks to the members and staff of the Donegal Celtic and a special thanks to all his close friends, who we know they will sorely miss him. Chick was a friend to everyone, who always had a smile and a listening ear. Hoping this acknowlegement will be accepted as a token of our  grateful appreciation. Richards’ (Chicks) Months Mind Mass will be held in St Oliver Plunkett on Saturday  24th June at 6.30pm.