

HACKETT PATRICK The partner, daughter, sisters, brother-in-laws, nieces  and nephews and wider  family circle would like to  express their appreciation  to those who sympathised  with them on the sudden  loss of Patrick. We would  like to thank the ambulance  service, thank you to Father  Devlin for your support and  lovely service. Thank you to  Browns for looking after  Patrick for us. We would  also like to thank Patrick’s  colleagues at Huhtamaki, all  his friends and our neighbours of Beechmount. A  massive thank you to my  family and Patrick’s family  for helping myself and  Caítlín through this very  hard time. Thank you from  the bottom of my heart. Patrick’s Months Mind Mass  will be held on Monday 4th  October at 6.30pm in St  Paul’s. Anyone welcome to  attend.