

HAMILL EOIN MARTIN Died 3rd January 2020 It shouldn’t be like this son, you should be here saying  happy birthday da. It just isn’t right. Daithí misses you so  much. He is so proud to have had you as his big brother.  Life will never be the same. We love and miss you so  much. Your daddy and wee brother Daithí.

HAMILL Eoin Martin. Died 3rd January 2020. There’s not a  day goes by that we don’t think and talk about you. When  days and nights are long and lonely without you. It won’t  be like this forever because we will be together again one  day. Until then we will remember the 13 years we had you.  You were my life, my world, my everything. Loved and  missed forever by your heartbroken granny Karen, gran- dad Jim, great grannys Brophy and Morgan, all your great  aunts, uncles and cousins.

HAMILL Eoin Martin. Died 3rd January 2020. Eoin God  took you too soon. We all miss you. It doesn’t feel real, we  still expect you to charge through our door shouting and  laughing as you always did. Loved and missed forever by  your uncle Eamon, Lorraine and all your cousins.