Birthday Memories


HAMILL Eoin 17th birthday  occurs on 11th August 2023 You were my precious son, thought of every day  no matter what time of year, but somehow more  today. Now your birthday is here I can’t take you  out and spoil you and that is very hard. Happy  birthday my son. Love and miss you so much from  your dad Martin and wee brother Dáithi and sister  Clodagh. Happy birthday big bro, miss you so  much.

HAMILL Eoin 17th Birthday. Happy birthday to  someone very special our grandson Eoin, the man  of the house you used to say. Life will never be the  same without you in it. You were my life, my  world, my everything. Loved and missed so much  your heartbroken granny Karen and granda Jim.  Forever 13. Also remembering his great grandad  Eddie Brophy whose anniversary is around this  time.

HAMILL Eoin 17th Birthday on 11th August 2023. Happy birthday to my nephew in Heaven. Enjoy your birthday with God and the angels. Missing  you so much. Love uncle Eamon, Lorraine, Chantelle, Aimeemarie, Mark and Stacy.