

HANNA  PATRICK   26th  Anniversary occurs 24th January 2025 Very precious memories of someone missing today,  someone our hearts still hold onto as we travel  along life’s way. Someone who made life so special  for those who held him dear, someone who won’t be  forgotten but cherished from year to year. And as we  pause to remember him, we all fondly recall, how  dearly each of us loved him and how much he loved  us all. Remembered with love every day by his sis- ters Margaret, Paula and Liza, brothers-in-law Ricky,  Tilly and Paul, nieces and nephew Maria, Laura,  Katy, Amy and Jake. Mass will be celebrated for Patrick,  his parents Paddy and Peggy  and his auntie Kay Jones  on Sunday 26th January 2025 at 11am  in St. Oliver Plunkett Church Daddy, remembering you is easy, I do it every day.  missing you is the heartache that never goes away.  Love you always from your one and only son Robert  Patrick, Cortney and your grandchildren xxx Our Patrick. 26 years and still you stay as close to us  as yesterday. You will always be in our hearts. From  your cousins Jeff, Liz, Alex, John, Karl and Natalie  and families